Saturday, August 2, 2008

This Day In History: 1934

1934: Hitler seizes control of Germany

Adolf Hitler, the chancellor of Germany, became the country's leader today after German President Paul Von Hindenburg died. Prior to Hindenburg's death, the cabinet agreed that the offices of president and chancellor would be combined.

"Hitler, as chancellor, abolished the office of president, utilizing the machinery of his dictatorial Nazi administration to cloak the action with a semblance of legality. The obedient cabinet approved a decree automatically designating Der Feuhrer as Von Hindenburg's successor and sole commander of the Reich. Hitler, moving with characteristic vigor, announced his move a few hours after word was flashed from Neudeck that the old warrior under whom he served as corporal in the world war had died," reported the Nevada State Journal on August 3, 1934.

NOTE: During his first day as the supreme leader of Germany, Hitler made several declarations. While one was to pay tribute to Hindenburg, he also pledged that the German army would remain obedient and loyal until death.

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